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Dioti Manual: Gods act on love affair.

Dioti Manual: Gods act on love affair.

でぃおてぃまにゅある~神様たちの恋愛代行~ / Dioti Manual: Kamisama-tachi no Renai Daikou / Dioti Manual: Agent of the Gods' Love
Yasu / undefined ヤス / Cool-kyou Shinja / クール教信者 / Cool Kyoushinsha / Cool Kyoushinja / Coolkyou Shinjya / Coolkyoushinja / 来木 要 / Kaname Raigi / Comic REX
Vol.3 Ch.23
Tidying Up for Her

Tidying Up for Her

mrmk z
Chapter 0
Because of Her Love for Sake, the Otome Game Setting Was Broken and the Villainous Noblewoman Became the Noblewoman With Cheats

Because of Her Love for Sake, the Otome Game Setting Was Broken and the Villainous Noblewoman Became the Noblewoman With Cheats

Akibat merusak setting otome game demi sake, putri villain menjadi gadis penipu / As a Result of Breaking an Otome Game, the Villainess Young Lady Becomes a Cheat! / Osake no Tame ni Otome Game Setting wo Buchikowashita Kekka, Akuyaku Reijou ga Cheat Reijou ni Narimashita / お酒のために乙女ゲー設定をぶち壊した結果、悪役令嬢がチート令嬢になりました
Yunaka / Nagao Uka
Oh! My Prince!

Oh! My Prince!

I Fell in Love When I Was Summoned to Ancient Egypt / Kodai Egypt ni Shoukan saretara, soko de Koi ni Ochimashita / O! Na'eui Wangjanim / O! Naui Wangjanim / O! Wo de Wangzi Dianxia / Oh! Mon Prince! / Oh! My Prince (UPU) / 古代エジプトに召喚されたら、そこで恋に落ちました / 哦!我的王子殿下
Vol.0 Ch.183
Inuyama Tamaki Channel! The Story of Our Secret!

Inuyama Tamaki Channel! The Story of Our Secret!

Inuyama tamaki Channel! Bokutachi no naisho no hanashi / 犬山たまきちゃんねる! ボクたちのナイショの話
norio tsukudani / asato arato
Ecchi,Comedy,Crossdressing,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.3
Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations

Revival Game of Wandering Reincarnations

Samayoeru Tensei-sha-tachi no Reliable Game / さまよえる転生者たちのリライブルゲーム
saitou kenji / haruno hino
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Isekai
Vol.2 Ch.7
I Wouldn’t Date a Prince Even If You Asked!

I Wouldn’t Date a Prince Even If You Asked!

I Don't Want a Prince in My Life! / I Wouldn’t Date a Prince Even If You Asked! The Banished Villainess Will Start Over With the Power of Magic / Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa! / Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa! - Tsuihou Sareta Moto Akuyaku Reijou, Mahou no Chikara de Mikaeshimasu / 王子様なんて、こっちから願い下げですわ! / 王子様なんて、こっちから願い下げですわ!~追放された元悪役令嬢、魔法の力で見返します~
kashiwa ten / sunohara mai
Vol.0 Ch.4
Miss Namihara wants to scream!

Miss Namihara wants to scream!

Vol.2 Chapter 19
Moto Kizoku Reijou de Mikon no Haha Desuga, Musumetachi ga Kawaii Sugite Boukenshagyo mo Ku ni Narimasen

Moto Kizoku Reijou de Mikon no Haha Desuga, Musumetachi ga Kawaii Sugite Boukenshagyo mo Ku ni Narimasen

Even Though I’m a Former Noble and a Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute and Working as an Adventurer Isn’t Too Much of a Hassle / 元貴族令嬢で未婚の母ですが、娘たちが可愛すぎて冒険者業も苦になりません
daishoban / higa yukari / mura
Chapter 12
Nanchatte Cinderella: Oukyuu Inbou-hen - Isekai de, Outaishihi Hajimemashita.

Nanchatte Cinderella: Oukyuu Inbou-hen - Isekai de, Outaishihi Hajimemashita.

なんちゃってシンデレラ 王宮陰謀編 異世界で、王太子妃はじめました。 / Fake Cinderella
B's-LOG Comic / Yumiko Takemura / 武村 ゆみこ / Hina Shiomura / 汐邑 雛
Vol.3 Ch.8
Oinari JK Tamamo-chan!

Oinari JK Tamamo-chan!

お稲荷JKたまもちゃん! / High School Inari Tamamo-chan!
Comic REX / Rey Yuuki / ユウキ レイ / Rei Yuuki
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life


たまちぇん!! / Tama-Chan, Tama Change!!, Soul Change!!
The Hana to Yume / Yuki Shiwasu / 師走 ゆき
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Gender Bender
Vol.1 Ch.4.3
Umareru Seibetsu wo Machigaeta!

Umareru Seibetsu wo Machigaeta!

生まれる性別をまちがえた! / I was Born the Wrong Sex
Young Ace UP / Mafuyu Konishi / 小西 真冬
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life,Gender Bender
Sometimes you get caught off guard.

Sometimes you get caught off guard.

Sometimes you get caught off guard. / Tamani fuiuchi o kurau. / たまに不意打ちをくらう
Vol.0 Ch.0
I Corrupted The Good Male Lead

I Corrupted The Good Male Lead

I Corrupted the Good Male Protagonist / J'ai corrompu le héros vertueux / 善良な主人公を闇落ちさせました / 선량한 남자 주인공을 타락시켰다 / I Corrupted the Male Lead
Chapter 90
Tawara Cat

Tawara Cat

たわら猫とまちがい人生 / Tawara Neko to Machigai Jinsei / Stray Cat and Misunderstood Life
Manga Box / Torako Hidaka / 日高 トラ子
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Code Geass: Queen

Code Geass: Queen

コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ 公式コミックアンソロジー For Boys -Queen- / Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Koushiki Comic Anthology For Boys - Queen
Rena Izumibara / 泉原 れな / Tomomasa Takuma / たくま 朋正 / Kiro Hanehane / 羽々 キロ / Hakone Odawara / オダワラ ハコネ / Aya Sakurai / 桜井 綾 / Naoko Kodama / コダマ ナオコ / Yuuki Tanaka / たなか 友貴 / Kou Kawarajima / かわらじま コウ / Miki Kizuki / 貴月 未来 / Yuki Azuma / あずま ゆき / Imomuya Honpo-Singleton / いもむや本舗-Singleton / あづまゆき / Naoto Ayano / 綾野 なおと / Yukio Kumoya / 雲屋 ゆきお / Asuka Kanan / 河南 あすか / Hina Shirogane / シロガネ ヒナ / Chiruwo Kazahana / 風華 チルヲ / Bisai'd / bisaid Label / 美彩'd / Emua / えむあ / Akuru Uira / ういら あくる / Chinjao Roosu / ちんじゃおろおす / Chinjaoroosu / Chinjao Rosu / Chinjyao Rosu / Hirofumi Naruse / 鳴瀬 ひろふみ / Tsukako / つかこ / Mimori Mizusawa / 水沢 深森 / Agana Hasei / ハセイ アガナ / Araiguma / あらいぐま / PINK
Oh, Our General Myao.

Oh, Our General Myao.

あゝ我らがミャオ将軍 / Ah! Warera ga Myao Shougun
Web Comic Zenyon / Kouta Matsuda / まつだ こうた / Morichika / もりちか / Morifumi
Sensei! Bokutachi ga Sekai wo Horoboshimasu.

Sensei! Bokutachi ga Sekai wo Horoboshimasu.

Sensei! Bokutachi ga Sekai wo Horoboshimasu. / 先生! 僕たちが世界を滅ぼします。
Kobayashi Kina
🇯🇵Comedy,Magic,School Life,Fantasy,Harem,Age Gap
Vol.0 Ch.42
I Guess I Became The Mother Of The Great Demon King's 10 Children In Another World

I Guess I Became The Mother Of The Great Demon King's 10 Children In Another World

Isekai de Saikyo Mao no Kodomo-tachi 10-nin no Mama ni Nacchaimashita. / Maou Mama / Я стала мамой десяти детей сильнейшего демона в другом мире / 一不小心在異世界當上了最強魔王的十個孩子的媽媽. / 異世界で最強魔王の子供達10人のママになっちゃいました。 / Isekai de Saikyō Maō no Kodomodachi 10-ri no Mama ni Natchaimashita. / Le Roi-Démon et moi, et nos 10 enfants / ชีวิตใหม่ในโลกต่างมิติของฉันถูกลิขิตให้เลี้ยงลูกจอมมารทั้ง 10 / 一不小心在异世界当上了最强魔王的十个孩子的妈妈 / 이세계에서 최강마왕의 아이들 10명의 엄마가 돼버렸습니다
Tooyama Ema
I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました / Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita
Kisetsu Morita / 森田 季節 / Benio / 紅緒 / Dontsugel / どんちゅげる
Vol.0 Ch.34
I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here.

I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here.

I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here. / 私、異世界で奴隷にされちゃいました(泣)しかもご主人様は性格の悪いエルフの女王様(でも超美人←ここ大事)無能すぎて罵られまくるけど同僚のオークが癒やし系だし里のエルフは可愛いし結構楽しんでる私です。 / Watashi, Isekai de Dorei ni Sarechaimashita (naku). Shikamo Goshujin-sama ha Seikaku no Warui Erufu no Jou'ou-sama (demo Chou-Bijin ← Koko Daiji) Munou sugite Nonoshiraremakuru kedo Douryou no Orc ga Iyashi-kei dashi Sato no Erufu ha Kawaii shi Kekkou Tanoshinderu Watashi desu.
Super Masara / Yoshida Hideyuki
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Reincarnation,Comedy,Isekai,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.2
Okami-san to Himitsu no Kohitsuji-chan

Okami-san to Himitsu no Kohitsuji-chan

Mr. Wolf and the Lamb's Secret~My Beastly Boss Robbed Me of My First Time.~ / オオカミさんとヒミツの子羊ちゃん~ケダモノ上司に私のハジメテ奪われちゃいました。~ / 狼先生和秘密的小羊小姐~我被野兽上司夺走初夜 / 狼先生與秘密的小羊小姐
Eguchi Hiro
Uchi No Maid Ni Seiheki Yugameraremashita

Uchi No Maid Ni Seiheki Yugameraremashita

I Got Weird Thoughts Because Of My Maid / うちのメイドに性癖歪められました
Shijijii Sani / Sani Syzygy
Chapter 5
wagashi no majo ni yotte tai-yaki no ningyo ni sa rete shimau danshi seito-tachi

wagashi no majo ni yotte tai-yaki no ningyo ni sa rete shimau danshi seito-tachi

wagashi no majo ni yotte tai-yaki no ningyo ni sa rete shimau danshi seito-tachi / 和菓子の魔女によってたい焼きの人魚にされてしまう男子生徒たち
🇯🇵Oneshot,Genderswap,Magical Girls,Full Color
Vol.0 Ch.0
Isekai Trip shita Sonoba de Taberarechaimashita

Isekai Trip shita Sonoba de Taberarechaimashita

異世界トリップしたその場で食べられちゃいました / I Tripped Into a Different World Where I Was Eaten on the Spot
B's-LOG Comic / Sumire Isuzu / 五十鈴 スミレ / Eda / / 花禍 / Kaka
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Koushiki Anthology Comic

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Koushiki Anthology Comic

僕は友達が少ない 公式アンソロジーコミック / Haganai Anthology, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Official Anthology Comic, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Anthology, I have few friends. Official Anthology Comic, Haganai Anthology
Juu Ayakura / 文倉 十 / Atto / undefined あっと / Tomoya Haruno / 春野 友矢 / nini / 二二 / Masaya Takamura / タカムラ マサヤ / Yukiwo / ユキヲ / Koutarou Yamada / 山田 孝太郎 / Manami Sugano / 菅野 マナミ / Chiruwo Kazahana / 風華 チルヲ / Bisai'd / bisaid Label / 美彩'd / Takuto Kon / 今 拓人 / Yoshiki Naruse / 成瀬 芳貴 / Nariie Shinichirou / 成家 慎一郎 / Kei Toru / 戸流 ケイ / Kei Tooru / Shirabi / しらび / Life is free / bomi / Takana Hotaru / 蛍 たかな / Itachi / いたち / Hijiki / ヒジキ / Shinta Sakayama / 茶菓山 しん太 / Umemoto Seisaku Iinkai / 梅本制作委員会 / Shinobu Take / 武 シノブ / Shiki Piro / ピロ 式 / Amido. Sanshoku / 三色 網戸。 / Sansyoku Amido / Tomiyaki Kagisora / 鍵空 とみやき / King Mitsu / 蜜 キング / Honey King / SEM / COLON / みつきつみ / Kira Nakamura / 中村 煌 / Kokuu Rokushou / 緑青 黒羽 / circle six / Kimitake Yoshioka / 吉岡 公威 / Konoki Kino / 季野 このき / Misaki Mori / 森 みさき / Moritto Samurai / もりっとさむらい / Komoda / こもだ / Ayumu Shouji / 小路 あゆむ / あんず飴 / Anzu Ame / Kuma-puro / Tsuzuri / 綴り / Kuro no Miki / 黒ノ樹 / Kotaro Shono / 宵野 コタロー / Pannacotta / Kotarou Shouno / pun2 / undefined pun2 / rin / Gin / ぎん / Kata Konayama / 粉山 カタ / Funmatsu / ふんまつ / kona / Ichiri / イチリ / Nanatsu Mukunoki / 椋木 ななつ
Royal Cinderella Mama

Royal Cinderella Mama

ロイヤル・シンデレラ・ママ 転生したら貧乏令嬢だったけど冷徹皇帝に溺愛されちゃいました!?,Royal Cinderella Mama - I Was Reincarnated as a Poverty-Stricken Woman but an Emperor Became Infatuated with Me!?,Royal Cinderella Mama: Tenseishitara Binbou Reijou Datta Kedo Reitetsu Koutei ni Dekiai Sarechaimashita?!
Rin Suzune / Eri Toonone
Haru to Ao no Obentoubako

Haru to Ao no Obentoubako

Comic Zenon / Machita / まちた
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Vol.1 Ch.1
Sasaki and Peeps, That Time I Got Dragged into a Psychic Battle in Modern Times While Trying to Enjoy a Relaxing Life in Another World ~Looks Like Magical Girls Are On Deck~

Sasaki and Peeps, That Time I Got Dragged into a Psychic Battle in Modern Times While Trying to Enjoy a Relaxing Life in Another World ~Looks Like Magical Girls Are On Deck~

佐々木とピーちゃん 異世界でスローライフを楽しもうとしたら、現代で異能バトルに巻き込まれた件 ~魔法少女がアップを始めたようです~
Bunko Rori
Chapter 9.5
Boku-tachi wa Mada Aoku: Daigaku Nyuugaku-hen

Boku-tachi wa Mada Aoku: Daigaku Nyuugaku-hen

Boku-tachi wa Mada Aoku: Daigaku Nyuugaku-hen / ボクたちはまだ青く大学入学編 / We're Still In The Spring Of Life: University Chapter
Kuroi Tsumuji
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Romance,School Life
Vol.1 Chapter 3
Welcome to the Isekai Hotel!

Welcome to the Isekai Hotel!

Welcome to the Isekai Hotel! / 異世界ホテルへようこそ ~魔族で勇者な最強姉たちから溺愛されて困ってます~ / Isekai Hoteru e You Koso ~Mazoku de Yuusha na Saikyou Ane-tachi Kara Dekiai Sarete Komattemasu~
Kamekichi Ichiko
Ore no Joushi ga Wakagaecchaimashita

Ore no Joushi ga Wakagaecchaimashita

Ore no Joushi ga Wakagaecchaimashita / Ore no Joushi ga Wakagaetcha Imashita / 俺の上司が若返っちゃいました / My Boss Has Rejuvenated
Mori Kiyou
Chapter 6.5
Hira yakunin yatte 1500-nen, maou no chikara de daijin ni sa re chaimashita

Hira yakunin yatte 1500-nen, maou no chikara de daijin ni sa re chaimashita

Hirayakunin / I Was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1,500 Years, and the Demon King Made Me a Minister / She works as public employee for 1500 years / ヒラ役人やって1500年、魔王の力で大臣にされちゃいました / 做了1500年的公務員,屈服於魔王當上大臣了
Morita Kisetsu / Murakami Meishi
🇯🇵Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Chapter 15.6
3.11 wo Wasurenai Tame ni Heroes Comeback

3.11 wo Wasurenai Tame ni Heroes Comeback

3.11を忘れないために ヒーローズ・カムバック / Heroes Come Back, Cyborg 009, Inuyasha Special, Ore shika Inai: Kuroi Nami wo Norikoete
Hiromu Arakawa / 荒川 弘 / Rumiko Takahashi / 高橋 留美子 / Kazuhiro Fujita / 藤田 和日郎 / 藤田 和宏 / Kaiji Kawaguchi / 川口 開治 / かわぐち かいじ / Masami Yuuki / ゆうき まさみ / Shuji Sato / 佐藤 修司 / Kazuhiko Shimamoto / 島本 和彦 / Takashi Shiina / 椎名 高志 / Fujihiko Hosono / 細野 不二彦 / Sensha Yoshida / 吉田 戦車
Vol.1 Ch.5
Hatsune Miku Presents: Hachune Miku's Everyday Vocaloid Paradise

Hatsune Miku Presents: Hachune Miku's Everyday Vocaloid Paradise

はちゅねミクの日常 ろいぱら! / Hachune Miku no Nichijou: Roipara! / Hachune Miku no Nijyou Vocaloid Paradise
Comp Ace / Ontama / おんたま / たまご / Tamago / Otomania

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