In an era where man has conquered the speed of sound, speed of light is naturally what man wishes to conquer next.
Dontaro Aranami is the son of a world-famous pilot. One day, when he and his father attempt to go light speed, his father nearly dies. Dontaro and his mother go overseas to
send him to a Swiss hospital when a military group attacks their train. This group, led by Colonel Gorbo of Uramecia, is plotting to seize rule of the land for himself. This is only the beginning of a large-scale frenzy over the Earth, where even unearthly beings participate...
An SF action-dventure thriller with chaos, suffering, and a display of the cruelty of war.
Also contains Wonder-kun: A boy raised by animals on a deserted island trying to protect his friends and home from a corrupt industrialist...
**Volume 340 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**