No wonder she became a monster, but I guess she was already a monster before becaming a monster.
So her name is Maggot. I'm thinking the author didn't consider that the word is also an insult. It fits in with her other name sure but it belittles her at the same time. I mean it sounds like it would be a totally metal name for someone in a death core metal band. And on bass, MAGGOOOOOOOOT! (Not sure if I can properly express a death core growling scream with bold italic underlining.)
Road to claims the Throne...
It's time to give it back to it's rightful owner...
It's time to give it back to it's rightful owner...
I want to see how others react to him being beast man. Also, this is the closest thing I’ve found where the protagonist is a demi-human.
Maggot in the past look so similar to Baldr, it's like Baldr with long hair instead. Tho, I guess the artstyle doesn't really leave much to have varied faces.